PBIS: Tier 1

What is Tier I Support?

The PBIS Triangle—The green area represents Tier 1 that supports all students.

Tier 1 systems, data, and practices impact everyone across all settings. They establish the foundation for delivering regular, proactive support and preventing unwanted behaviors. Tier 1 emphasizes prosocial skills and expectations by teaching and acknowledging appropriate student behavior. Teams, data, consistent policies, professional development, and evaluation are essential components for these practices to work effectively.

The core principles guiding Tier 1 PBIS include the understanding that we can and should:

  • Effectively teach appropriate behavior to all children
  • Intervene early before unwanted behaviors escalate
  • Use research-based, scientifically validated interventions whenever possible
  • Monitor student progress
  • Use data to make decisions

Foundational Systems

Tier 1 systems serve as the foundation upon which all other tiers are built. With school-wide systems in place, schools can identify which students require additional support more efficiently. These Tier 1 foundational systems are:

Leadership Team

The Tier 1 teams establishes the systems and practices for Tier 1 support. This team is responsible for monitoring school-wide data, ensuring students receive equitable access to these supports, and evaluating the program’s overall effectiveness.

Regular Meeting Routine, Schedule, and Structure

The Tier 1 team meets at least monthly. Team members should have availability to attend at least 80% of all scheduled meetings to provide consistency around action planning and tracking progress. Meetings should include an agenda, minutes, defined roles, and a current action plan.

Commitment Statement for Establishing Positive School-wide Social Culture

A school's PBIS Leadership Team must identify implementing PBIS school-wide as a critical priority. If it is not identified as one of the school's top three needs, it is unlikely anyone will allocate the time and effort needed to accomplish implementation. Although not a requirement, It is beneficial when a majority of school personnel also agree PBIS implementation is critical to addressing issues related to the social, emotional and behavioral growth of all students.

On-Going Data-Based Monitoring, Evaluation, and Dissemination

Tier 1 teams review and use discipline and academic outcome data at least monthly to guide decisions. Reviewing fidelity data measure how closely the school implements the critical components of PBIS at Tier 1. Annually, teams evaluate the overall effectiveness of Tier 1 supports and share their findings with stakeholders. School personnel should see school-wide data regularly and have opportunity to provide input on Tier 1 foundations.

Procedures for Selecting, Training and Coaching New Personnel

The key to PBIS implementation is staff consistency. All staff members need to be aware of goals, process, and measures. Tier 1 implementation may require professional development to orient all school personnel – particularly around at least four core practices:

  • Teaching school-wide expectations
  • Acknowledging appropriate behavior
  • Correcting errors
  • Requesting assistance

Key Practices

Before schools start implementing Tier 2 and Tier 3 practices, Tier 1 practices must be in place. These include:

School-wide Positive Expectations and Behaviors are Defined and Taught

Rather than establishing specifically what not to do, schools define and teach the behaviors and expectations they want to see. Schools should identify 3-5 positively stated, easy to remember expectations. These should align with creating the kind of positive school climate the school wants to create. Anyone should be able to walk into the school at any time and ask 10 random students to name the school-wide expectations. At least 80% of the time those students should be able to say what they are and give examples of what they look like in action.

For students to know the expectations, they must be taught. The Tier 1 team should decide how students will learn expected academic and social behaviors across various school settings.

Procedures for Establishing Classroom Expectations and Routines Consistent
with School-Wide Expectations

Students spend the majority of their day within classroom settings. It’s critical the expectations in the classroom align with the broader school-wide systems. This consistency supports better behavioral outcomes for all students. Teachers explain what the school-wide expectations look like in their classrooms during specific classroom-level routines.

Continuum of Procedures for Encouraging Expected Behavior

A school’s Tier 1 team determines how to acknowledge students positively for doing appropriate behaviors. Schools adopt a token system in addition to offering specific praise when students do what’s expected. No matter the system, it should be:

  • Linked to school-wide expectations
  • Used across settings and within classrooms
  • Used by 90% or more of all school personnel
  • Available to all students within the school

Continuum of Procedures for Discouraging Problem Behavior

All discipline policies should include definitions for behaviors interfering with academic and social success. They offer clear policies and procedures for addressing office-managed versus classroom-managed problems. Defining both the behaviors and the procedures promote consistent application of Tier 1 across all students and school personnel.

Procedures for Encouraging School-Family Partnerships

Teams should solicit stakeholders, including families, for input on Tier 1 foundations. Opportunities to provide ongoing feedback and direction should happen at least once a year, if not more regularly. This input ensures Tier 1 is culturally responsive and reflects the values of the local community.

The Tier 1 Team

In addition to monitoring Tier 1 systems, the Tier 1 team meets regularly to refine school-wide practices and evaluate their effectiveness. The team reviews discipline data, curriculum-based measures, state tests, and other data sources related to improving school-wide outcomes.  Individuals with the following positions are often included on Tier 1 teams:

  • Someone to coordinate the team
  • School administrator
  • Family representation
  • Classroom teachers
  • Student representation (more likely at the high school level) 

In addition to these suggested roles, the team should have the following skillsets represented:

  • Behavioral expertise
  • Coaching expertise
  • Knowledge of student academic and behavior patterns
  • Knowledge about how the school operates across grade levels and programs


The Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) assesses how closely school personnel apply the core features of PBIS. The TFI includes three separate surveys – one for assessing each tier – schools can use separately or in combination with one another. Schools at every stage of implementation may use the TFI to assess any tier.

Explore the Evidence Base for Tier 1

At its foundation, PBIS is a framework supported by research spanning decades. Study after study confirms the positive impact Tier 1 systems and practices have on improving student outcomes. The evaluation brief, "Is School-wide Positive Behavior Support an Evidence-based Practice?" and the article "Examining the Evidence Base for School-wide Positive Behavior Support" each lay out some of the research and provide additional resources to explore the topic further.

*all text from PBIS.org


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