Systems of Meaning

 ...looking at behavior through three explanatory lenses.

The first lens...posits that behavior can stem from lack of safety (fear of something negative or disruptive happening or of being harmed) or an unmet basic need (e.g., being hungry or tired). If we feel threatened or perceive a threat or have an unmet physiological need, we will act in a way that makes us feel safe or fulfills that need as best we can. When we are in this state, we are in the part of our brain designed for survival: the limbic area. [which controls arousal, emotion, and the fight-fight-freeze response]

The second lens...invites us to see behavior as a result of actual brain development. Simply put, our brains are wired to survive, not thrive, and factors such as physical health and secure attachments will determine one's capacity for healthy behavior.

The third lens speaks to the idea of impacted systems of meaning which is when we make interpretations about future events based on our own past experiences, what we have been taught to believe, and how our thoughts have been influenced by others.

Our history influences how we respond to current situations, especially when we're in stressed states or unpredictable settings-and not always in healthy and safe ways.

Sometimes our systems of meaning stem from positive interactions. Other times, they are associated with something traumatic or stressful. Either way, they have an influence.

Sadly, these mindsets often turn into repetitive dances: the more we face a certain situation, the more likely we are to arrive at the same unhealthy, unproductive outcome.

When free of stress and tumult, we have more energy and give ourselves permission to access healthy, safe thoughts that take into account the bigger picture. We think and act in ways that demonstrate patience, open-mindedness, and partnership with students, parents, and colleagues.

- Relationship, Responsibility, and Regulation; Trauma - Invested Practices for Fostering Resilient Learners by Kristin Van Marter Souers with Pete Hall

*All text is quoted from the above mentioned book. I have grabbed sentences and paragraphs that I want to remember. Not all text is displayed above.* 


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